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Talking Juan 2023

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As soon as we begin to believe in kind and sweet heroes, they immediately turn into terrible grimaces. Developers do not stand still with their characters. It immediately becomes clear that Talking Juan is a cunning plan for processing a cat, which all users are so used to. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s really scary. The game inspires the most terrible expectations. At first we understand that it is impossible to wash it from such ugly wool. He has secret missions, heaps of beautiful costumes or plans for the upcoming holidays.

There is only the opportunity to monitor the sleep of this cat and his life. Sleep is a separate art form for this hero. Also strange is the set of products from our cat’s store. The developers did not bother much and therefore we have a few waste, a couple of fish and cockroaches and strange tinctures with a potion. Moreover, each of the tinctures acts on the cat in its own way. One makes him look like a demon. The other heals him back to his original state.

Grimaces and the likeness of a street cat

Our cat no longer looks like a cute kid who wants to play with his users. It’s more of a scared biome that has been subjected to hundreds of experiments and is now watching you with contempt. He follows the movements of your fingers and reluctantly eats what you offer him. You will definitely have to play mini-applications inside the development, otherwise you will not be able to stay afloat for a long time. You need coins to buy something from the shop.

Double them to have a gold reserve for buying jars of poison. As soon as you go over the norm, your cat will evaporate, fall apart or turn into a fiend. Not such a finale you expected from a pet, is it? Try experimenting and learn about all the endings of this adventure. Good luck, and the fittest survive.

Some attempts to understand logic are completely crowned with failures. You need to monotonously perform a series of actions that in the end will simply lead to something indefinite. Your cat will always remain as suspicious, no more. Are you ready to tame something like this?